Monday, April 16, 2007

Short Pants Radio Hour Returns

Short Pants returns for yet another edition. Kentz (Banana Belt) returns, joining Jones (Mothership), Sahl (Fecal Clatter), Walls (PMF) and new contributer Lombardi (Lacey Underalls).

Boasting a much higher production value, the show returns with a sleeker and more polished effort than ever before. Unfortunately, the hosts don’t live up to the slick intros and segways putting in one of their most drunken and chaotic performances ever. The show quickly devolved into race baiting, food fights and at least one drunken claim that Jim Rice was better than Barry Bonds.

Highlights: Jones insists he’ll win the LOWV; Lombari blasts the city of Milwaukee; Sahl recounts his loss of purity in the city’s fabled Fister Hotel; Short Pants Mailbag makes its debut with a question from DLBP; Rick admits both he and catcher Piazza once held press conferences declaring their hetero-status; Sahl breaks up with Jason Bay on the air; Kentz responds to the latest edition of “Star”, saying “only Piazza was beating off, but that’s it…to a picture of Trot Nixon”; Lombardi busts Sahl’s balls for slurping VR’s pitching staff; Lombardi and Kentz drool over Elijah Dukes; Jones debates Duke Rape case with the gang; Mozarella fight breaks out; Jackie Robinson is discussed.

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