Friday, July 20, 2007

Shortpants XIII -- The Reckoning

A rip-snorting Shortpants this week that is perhaps the most esoteric and contentious episode yet. Mike welcomes the general managers from FC, LU, PMF, Neil’s Team and special guest Bonomatory Influence to the studio this week to discuss a wide range of topics, which include:

Insight into winning fantasy strategy the Bonomatory way;
Native Americans in baseball;
A debate the implementation of a minor league draft, wherein both sides agree that it’d be awesome so they argue about it in high volume at great length;
Is DLBP the best team in the LOWV?;
How federal prosecutors only take cases with high conviction rates to bolster their careers in courtrooms where a jury would never convict;
Is it possible to take a shitty picture of Joshua Tree National Park and profit on it?

Dig in and hold tight.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Episode XII -- Let's Play Three!

Inspired by the unrelenting genius of Michael "Don't Call Me Jason" Bay. And Ernie Banks.

An explosive, superficial, star-studded three-hour thrill ride!!!!!

Weekday Shortpants!

The result is arguably the most cogent episode to date. Mothership & Co. (Neil's Team, FC, PMF) provide a super-sized episode to get you through the lean times.

A dazzling first hour gives way to two uninterrupted 50+ minute segments. When discussing "not-to-be-missed!" at your next stuffy pool party, here be your ammo.

Topics include:

DLBP's not-so-subtle admission of love for our host;

a re-examination of current standings;

profound insight into the trappings of fame;

ripping T. La Ru a new Pujol!

Not to mention the developing humor-off between the Hollywood Stars and ERdR's continued self-fellating for unearthing El Guapo!!!!

in the rare and always controversial movie review segment, The Mothership subconsciously wishes Snatty was there to discuss Transformers!!

Live. Listen. Love. Learn.


Monday, July 2, 2007

Episode XI -- Turbocharged!!

West side! California dreamer Neil Corcoran (Neil's Team) comes calling this week and joins Mike Jones (Mothership) and correspondents from Lacey Underalls and Poor Man's Fart. What the panel lacks in foresight -- power failures occasionally interrupt poignant thoughts and fart jokes -- they deliver in appalling slander and eloquent bigotry.

Episode XI