Saturday, December 29, 2007

Shortpants XXI -- The Salad Days

This week, Mike welcomes FC and PMF.  Shortpants discusses holiday waistband-busting, pseudonyms and Hall of Fame voting.  Among other topics.  Happy holidays, losers!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Shortpants XX -- Sugar Water

Shortpants goes Double-X with another interruption-free romp through topics LOWV and intergalactic. In this week's whirligig, Mike welcomes PMF, FC and LU to a scintillating discussion of topics past, present and fyutnuh.

Riled up by winter meetings and a pre-show visit from Mr. Baseball Himself, our esteemed panel parses (among other topics) contract slots, the MLB hot stove, when and how regularly to shave beav, and whether to wear a hemp necklace while trying to seduce a college buddy into a protoplasm exchange after a post-MIB roast in the parking lot.

You know the difference between you and Mike? Mike makes this look good.

Shortpants XX