Thursday, July 12, 2007

Episode XII -- Let's Play Three!

Inspired by the unrelenting genius of Michael "Don't Call Me Jason" Bay. And Ernie Banks.

An explosive, superficial, star-studded three-hour thrill ride!!!!!

Weekday Shortpants!

The result is arguably the most cogent episode to date. Mothership & Co. (Neil's Team, FC, PMF) provide a super-sized episode to get you through the lean times.

A dazzling first hour gives way to two uninterrupted 50+ minute segments. When discussing "not-to-be-missed!" at your next stuffy pool party, here be your ammo.

Topics include:

DLBP's not-so-subtle admission of love for our host;

a re-examination of current standings;

profound insight into the trappings of fame;

ripping T. La Ru a new Pujol!

Not to mention the developing humor-off between the Hollywood Stars and ERdR's continued self-fellating for unearthing El Guapo!!!!

in the rare and always controversial movie review segment, The Mothership subconsciously wishes Snatty was there to discuss Transformers!!

Live. Listen. Love. Learn.


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